Wellness at Work


Through a clear and engaged coaching process, Eder Coaching helps your business to increase the motivation, wellbeing, and engagement of your staff. I as your Coach help you and your team to create an enjoyable and alive working environment that really cherishes and nurtures each and everyone in the team.
Creating sustainability and wellness at work.

Through a clear and engaged coaching process, Eder Coaching helps your business to increase the motivation, wellbeing, and engagement of your staff. I as your Coach help you and your team to create an enjoyable and alive working environment that really cherishes and nurtures each and everyone in the team.
Creating sustainability and wellness at work.


“YES, I feel motivated. I want to be here! ”


We spend about 60% of our time here in life by working and this of course goes together how we are feeling in our private life, as I see it. Unhappy stressed staff are tend to become an unhappy stressful ’persons’ in their private lives also.
So why not make a great contribution for your employees, and for your own behalf, the time at work more consciously sustainable in sense of well-being, health and productivity.

Through a clear and engaged coaching process, Eder Coaching helps your business to increase the motivation, wellbeing, and engagement of your staff.
Which will also contribute of being an attractive employer who cares about their employees’ health and well-being.

My intention in my Business coaching-Model is to open up greater collaboration, a clear, conflict-free , fun and honest communication, and a greater enthusiasm among the employees. With more sense of aliveness, togetherness and and joy at work!
And when this way of ‘sustainable working’ is more in focus, I believe a greater performance, well-being, meaning and stability are more present among the employees.
The corporation, and the entire enviroment in it, becomes more ALIVE, exciting, and enriching in dozens of deeply fulfilling ways!

How does it work with Eder Coaching’s designed coaching for corporations?

Coaching clarifies your current situation and what outcome do you desire with the coaching period. We form together an interesting and sustainable idea and from this idea to create an action plan for a more sustainable business, in well-being and productivity, for both you and your employees.

How great, fun and at the same time productive work environment can we co-create do you think?

Let s explore this together!

Do you want to know how coaching can support your business?

Contact me and I coach you to a desirable solution!


Our Business Coaching strengthens your business with this:

Motivated work-positive employees

Clearer and more coaching leadership

Less sick leave and increased work health

Increased profitability and more efficiency

More community than individuality feeling

More cooperation and growth

Motivated work-positive employees

Clearer and more coaching leadership

Less sick leave and increased work health

Increased profitability and more efficiency

More community than individuality feeling

More cooperation and growth


Book yourself a free 30-minute info call today…